Mariposa Men’s

         Wellness Institute



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lila (Lee-luh) Sanskrit

All of nature seen as the creative activity of the divine; the sportive, playful, free-wheeling God.

Some observers of human nature have called us Homo ludens, the species that loves to play. It is part of our divine nature to marry raw, uninhibited energy with emerging skills, to bring forth a spark of our unique spiritual passion. To live with playful artistry is to dance between the conscious and unconscious, so that what takes form is uniquely mine, yet calls forth a deep memory in you. When we cook a good meal, dance spontaneously around the living room, make love under the stars, allow music to bring us to tears, we are immersed in the language of sacred play, the parlance of lila, cosmic vitality, the free play of the gods in creative expression. To relax and allow music, art, dance, poetry, theater, and literature, to transport us inward to the elemental energy of creativity, we must silence the inner critic -- no easy task after so many years of training! Yet our innate craving to reach beyond ourselves and playfully explore often hides in the demands of adult life. How exquisite it is to be swept away by creative play and passionate living.

I welcome the magnificent sense of play that flows within me.

do do (doo-doo) English Creole

To take a nap.

Ah, the sweet bliss of surrendering to fatigue, of escaping to a fetal dance with the unconscious while the world is still moving at its hectic pace. Blessed are those societies that appreciate the need for a siesta. There, where permission is given, any nook can be conducive: couch, hammock, park bench, beach blanket, bedroom, pillow by the fire. One can often feel the call for a nap before the time is fully ripe, a drowsy foreplay of sorts. The body’s ability to communicate a need for rest is a wonderful gift. Yet many of us resist our physical desires. Work usually demands that we live on someone else’s schedule. Even while at home, aroused by the phone, we are fearful of being caught being “unproductive”, and may deny that a delicious nap was in progress. Listening to your body deepens your relationship with it. Honor its wisdom and go do do, while the sun is up, even if only for a few exquisite moments.

I listen well to the messages my body gives me about weariness.

tampak tanah (TAHM-pahk TAH-nuh) Bahasa Indonesia

To be able to see the ground.

Emotional pain often clouds our conscious awareness. What threads might be necessary to create a tapestry of healing for ourselves? We need a safe environment, unconditional positive regard, empathy, respect, non-judgmental support, and the absence of shaming attitudes. These are the attributes that promote rejuvenation. Whatever our struggle, relapse is a part of the process of change. Slipping from our goal is a necessary aspect of continual healing, another fragment in a series of turning points that move us steadily to recovery. One of the three phases of dawn is called tampak tanah by the Iban people of the island of Borneo. It is when there is just enough light that the details of where one is stepping can be discerned. Not fully dancing in the morning light, but beyond the despairing confusion of night. As you journey toward wholeness, and a reawakening of your essential beautiful being, you can accept the dark stumbling times, and fall forward rather than backward, until the next obvious step reveals itself. You advance adamantly into the deepening of your spiritual aliveness, which is the foundation for all sustained change.

When I can’t perceive where to go next, I can wait until I can.

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Mariposa Men’s Wellness Institute was founded in 2001

to help men become emotionally healthy.


World Words

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