Mariposa Men’s

         Wellness Institute



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This portion of the Mariposa website will focus upon the issues of male sexual trauma (or abuse) survivors. Included are a needs assessment concerning services for male sexual trauma survivors, an introduction to the psychological effect of childhood sexual abuse, and a number of other articles by various authors on aspects of the experience of sexual trauma for males. (Books related to this issue can be found in the Bibliography under  Child Abuse & Trauma and Sexual Child Abuse & Recovery.)

Male Survivors: A Needs Assessment

Rationale for Services for Male Sexual Trauma Survivors

Effects of Sexual Child Abuse

The Psychological Aftereffects of Sexual Child Abuse: An Introduction

Articles on Sexual Abuse by Dr. Mic Hunter

Veterans Return from the Middle East After Being Sexually Assaulted by Their Comrades

One In Four Female and One In Ten Male Veterans Being Sexually Assaulted “Isn’t Newsworthy”

Ritual of Reconciliation: An Alternative to Litigation

Let Me Remind You How It’s Done: A Letter to the Pope

Mariposa Men’s Wellness Institute was founded in 2001

to help men become emotionally healthy.


Male Sexual Trauma