Mariposa Men’s

         Wellness Institute



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aji (Ah gee) Japanese

An energy imparted over time through the loving handling or wearing of an object.

At some point we fall in love with the tools we use each day. The fabric of our lives weaves within that favorite pair of earrings or scissors, grandmother’s serving dish, a musical instrument we have embraced for many years, the small statue that “spoke” to us at a yard sale. We make contact with hundreds of physical objects over the course of a day. Yet only a few hold a constant place of reverence in our hearts. These have become imbued with aji. The energy of our caretaking, the natural oils of our hands, and the pleasure we exude while using these special possessions create changes in the object itself. It is almost as if over time, certain belongings respond to our touch with gratitude. We create a loving relationship with them that honors their significance in our lives.

Such a realization can fill us with awe. These objects designed, made, and used by human hands reflect to us the remarkable technological distance our species has traveled among the eons. Such objects, having embodied part of our essence, remind us of the profundity of the seemingly mundane moments of our lives. We give these material companions the gift of our attention and care; they respond with deepening elegance and more vibrant beauty.

I will consciously and lovingly touch some of my favorite things today, and give thanks.

goadnil (go-ahd-neel) Saami

The quiet part of a river, free of current, near the bank or beside a rock.

Imagine living so close to nature that the words you used everyday reflected an intimate understanding of the myriad contours of Gaia’s body, an endearing term used to define our planet as a living organism. How our consciousness would be transformed, if the majority of the words we used everyday reflected terms describing terrain, weather, or seasonal changes, rather than technology. Spending less time in cyberspace, we might venture to a goadnil, and listen to secrets the flowing water has to share. There we are always welcome. The rock will not refuse us; the grass on the bank will not say it is inaccessible for the afternoon. We can simply drift along and contact inner knowings. When the warp and woof of our daily existence is rooted in natural phenomena, a certain clarity reveals itself. A cosmic perspective shines through, placing our problems and confusions in a larger contest. We all know the healing power of a walk in the woods, or the deep chords struck within by a magnificent sunset. We need only respond to the call.

I honor the quiet place within, and nature’s ability to lead me there.

zerrissenheit (tsay-REE-sen-height) German

A torn to pieces-hood, the sate of being divided, fractured; pulled in a dozen directions.

We are all to some degree simultaneously falling apart and coming together. Each of us experiences tension and conflict among various elements in our lives. The war within can pull body, mind, and heart in different directions, both draining our energy, and creating an endless battle of hide and seek within us. In order to function, we begin walling off parts of who we really are. The more estranged we become from our true nature, the more opportunities there are for fear and depression to dominate our inner landscape. When we are mired in zerrissenheit, the desire to experience peace can lead us beyond the fear of facing our dark side. Once we understand that by grappling with our internal chaos we are actually reclaiming the wholeness that is our birthright, then the inner struggles begin to ebb and healing occurs. We come to accept the reality and indeed the necessity of chaos, darkness, and suffering. What a joy it is to discover the possibility of no longer feeling divided and homeless in the realm of our own being. We can be released, if only temporarily, from such pain.

I acknowledge that my brokenness is what allows me to become whole.

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Mariposa Men’s Wellness Institute was founded in 2001

to help men become emotionally healthy.


World Words

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