The following is a list of pages related to sites of other organizations and educational groups which we feel are complimentary to our mission and that add further substance to our message. Under each heading is a short description of the kinds of sites on that page, plus a hypertext link that will take you to that page.
Websites that contribute to an understanding of men’s emotional wellness
Websites that focus on the attributes which support a positive image of fatherhood
Websites which assist in understanding the issues faced by male sexual trauma survivors
Websites which contribute to an understanding of the multiplicity of issues involved in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), that results from child abuse
Websites that focus their attention on how to avoid sexual assault, as well as the issues faced by survivors of sexual assault
Transgender/Transsexual Websites
Websites which focus their energies on assisting men (and women), who are uncomfortable with their gender-of-birth and either wish to modify their existing selves into a more androgynous, non-polarized gender of presentation, or who have realized, often from childhood, that there is a distinct incongruity between their “gender sense of self” and their “biological bodies”
Mariposa Men’s Wellness Institute was founded in 2001
to help men become emotionally healthy.
links to related sites