The mission of the Mariposa Men’s Wellness Institute [MMWI] is to promote and educate the public about men’s emotional wellness (positive, progressive mental health for males). We are dedicated to providing informational about a wide range of male experience and to challenge the prevailing paradigms about how to define ‘manhood’ in American culture. Our goal is to suggest some potential alternatives to what we consider to be a very limiting and often destructive cultural construct, which will allow men to move toward a state of positive and balanced emotional and mental health. We want to assist in creating a society wherein men and women can live mutually caring egalitarian lives, which respect both our differences and similarities.
We will be addressing the following issues related to male experience:
•men’s experience concerning their own maleness
•the constrictions of classically defined ‘manhood’ and how many men simply don’t fit into the narrow definitions proscribed by that cultural construct
•the cultural limitations imposed on the expression, by males, of a wide range of emotions
•males in intimate relationships, both with women and with other males
•fatherhood and the roles men have in families
•male violence, both that perpetrated by men and upon men, with an emphasis on violence prevention
•male sexual trauma, with a concentration on the outcomes for adult men who are survivors of incest or rape.
We hope, in addressing this myriad list of male experience, to suggest more healthy behaviors for males in American society, which will bring greater personal satisfaction to their lives, and to the lives of people with whom they have intimate and professional relationships.
We hope our visitors find this website to be both educational and empowering. We have attempted to include a wealth of information that relates to our organizational mission and to the various issues of men’s emotional wellness. Please return periodically, as we will be adding information on a regular basis.
Please note:
Concerning the information provided on this website, MMWI cannot guarantee the accuracy of contributions to this site or of all information contained within this site. MMWI makes no warranties, either express or implied. MMWI will not be liable for any direct, consequential, or other damages resulting from the use of information on this website. Use of this website constitutes understanding and acceptance of these provisions.
Mariposa Men’s Wellness Institute was founded in 2001
to help men become emotionally healthy.
Mariposa Men’s Wellness Institute:
Promoting Men’s Emotional Wellness
Through Education and Training
Donald B. Jeffries, President/Executive Director of MMWI, in Santa Fe, New Mexico with his brother Tony.