Mariposa Men’s

         Wellness Institute



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In this section of our website, we will be posting articles on various aspects of violence prevention. The primary emphasis will be the ways in which males ‘act out’ violent or angry behaviors and an analysis of the affect that this behavior has on other people. The articles will suggest potential solutions to this problem. (Books related to this issue can be found in the Bibliography under Oppression and Patriarchy.)

Shaken Baby Syndrome

Resources, articles, and a video concerning the traumatic injury done to very young children by male caregivers

World Peace

Suggestions On How Male Behavior Can Add To The Creation of Peace

World Words

Words From Around the World Relating to Peace

Magic Kingdom

Suggestions On How To Avoid Child Abuse Behaviors

Wabi Sabi Your Relationships

Prayer: “Hello, Anyone There?”

Mariposa Men’s Wellness Institute was founded in 2001

to help men become emotionally healthy.


Violence Prevention